Elanmore King's Fanfare |
Elanmore King's Ransom |
Elanmore King's Legacy |
Elanmore King's Counsel |
Elanmore Early Bird |
Milady of Zeerust at Elanmore |
Myriehewe Double Trouble |
Zeerust Marchioness |
Ingleview Teddie Bear of Elanmore |
Smytholme Arkholme Apricot |
Ch. Franwick Sun God |
Radash Jacinith |
Joywill Julykate at Ingleview |
Shelmyth Special Edition |
Jackpot of Joywil |
Elanmore Heiress |
Headstart at Hartmere |
Myriehewe Sharpshooter |
Myriehewe Look Sharp |
Myriehewe Haileybelle |
Hartmere Head over Hills |
Exbury Yorik |
Hartmere Hansel of Gold |
Elanmore Royal Request |
Elanmore King's Legacy |
Elanmore King's Counsel |
Elanmore Early Bird |
Ingleview Teddie Bear of Elanmore |
Smytholme Arkholme Apricot |
Joywill Julykate at Ingleview |
Gilda lives with our friends Maurizio and Ilaria Benedetti and is co-owned with Alfredo Gili. Her pedigree bring us back some lovely English lines, especially from Riverhill origins. In particular there is a lovely linebreeding onto Ch. Haytimer of Hanburyhill at Hartmere.
more photos
maremma sheepdogs and shetland sheepdogs
Kennel di Selvaspina - loc. Casette, 26 - 37023 Grezzana - Verona - Italy / tel-fax +39 045 908606